Our Commitment to Sustainability.

May 12, 2023

At Finn & Elder we are committed to protecting our environment, with every collection of furniture we produce. Each handcrafted piece, is sustainably chosen from a premium material based on its extended lifespan and durability, with zero waste.

All our furniture is sustainably sourced with the wood coming from documented legal sources. At Finn & Elder we’ve partnered with local Indonesian communities to renew the environment through reforestation services. We don’t have all the answers but our commitment ensures that we make ethical choices and with sustainably in mind.

Introducing our First Reclaimed Collection

Reclaimed teak is a good choice of material for use in making outdoor furniture. We use teak generally as its a great choice for many outdoor applications. Teak is durable, water, pest and rot resistant. It has minor shrinkage and doesn’t corrode over time but just as importantly, has a beautiful look, naturally weathering to a silvery-grey tone.

Let us elaborate more on reclaimed teak sourced from old buildings and other structures that have been knocked down. This wood is very old and has already served another life. Instead of letting this gorgeous old teak go to waste, we have our first reclaimed collection to bring to you. The goal is to provide the highest quality reclaimed teak hardwood with zero damage to the environment.

Our Bordeaux

Made exclusively from reclaimed teak, this spacious dining table draws inspiration from vintage theme. It is the ideal outdoor dining table because it is able to withstand any weather. With its solid reclaimed teak table and a choice of a number of chairs, it seats 8 comfortably and 10 without too much problems.